Monday, September 13, 2010

Getting Past Disappointment

Today I faced the difficulty a mother faces in continuing on with life through the weight of great disappointment. This morning the final nail was driven into the coffin of a dream. After months of study and calculated effort I learned my last attempt to achieve this dream was a failure. And then I had to act happy for my children.

What made things more difficult was a radical change in schedule. Each time I gained control of my emotions another raindrop--in the form of disruption--fell.

I believe in signs and consider this to be a sign of my not being ready for my dream. I have another year to prepare myself to be worthy of this dream. As time goes on my chance of receiving it fades. I hope my resolve holds out and strength to continue keeps my despair at a distance.

I hoped to train myself to enjoy each day as it comes, but I fear only by looking forward can I make it to the next stage. My consolation is the holidays closing in. With them time will be fleeting and I must use each moment to gain the right to claim my dream.